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Ofsted & Music Teaching - The New Framework - Manwaring Music Education ...

We are proud of the many positives shared with us within our recent report and throughout the OFSTED inspection process itself. We are proud that the inspectors recognised that pupils at St. Andrew’s are happy, well cared for and have positive attitudes to learning. Furthermore, improvements in behaviour and support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) were highlighted, alongside the school raising its expectation of pupils’ achievements. Inspections are a point-in-time judgement about the quality of a school’s education provision.

We are pleased that OFSTED recognised the improvements that have already taken place and that the school knows what needs to improve. However, many of these positive changes are recent (in line with the appointment of a new Headteacher) and need time to embed. As with any inspection feedback, a number of areas were identified for further development, linked to the curriculum, assessment, personal development and safeguarding records.

As we move forward, we will focus on these priorities, aligning them with our school development plan and building on the rapid progress we have already made since September 2023. As a school, we are fully committed to a process of continuous improvement to deliver the high quality education our children deserve.


Please click on the link below to see the results for our school and/or just sign-in and answer a few simple questions about St. Andrew's School.

Parent Zone – Bedford High School