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Year 5 & 6 - Eagles

Term 3 Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you had a lovely Christmas break and you are not still too full of turkey and cheese!  This time of year is always a great chance for fresh starts and new plans. 

What we will be learning this term: Please see the medium-term plan for this term at the bottom of the page, which contains information about all the subjects and what the children will be taught this term.

Class text: Our class text this term is The Last Alchemist by Colin Thompson.  This beautifully illustrated picture book tells the story of an alchemist tasked with trying to create a machine to turn things to gold.  We will also be watching a similar story - The alchemist's letter - to compare the two stories.   We will be writing stories and letters linked to these texts.

PE: PE will be on Mondays and Fridays this term.  On Mondays, we will be lucky enough to have some rugby coaching from Bristol Rugby!  On Fridays, we will be doing basketball.

On Mondays and Fridays, please make sure your child comes to school wearing appropriate clothing. Obviously, the weather is still very changeable, so please make sure they are dressed appropriately as PE is often outside, whatever the weather! A reminder of clothing expectations: plain black shorts/leggings/joggers; a plain white t-shirt or blue t-shirt with or without the school logo; a black plain sweat top or school sweat top or school fleece; daps or trainers (trainers are preferable as most PE activities will be outdoors).

Home learning and spelling: Home learning is set to allow children to revisit learning from school to help embed it.  Children need several opportunities to practise their learning to allow them to build confidence and recall it better at a later date.  Please do support your child in completing all the tasks set each week.

Spelling & Grammar: Please complete the set tasks each week in the CPG books - pages set are detailed at the bottom of this page.  The answers are at the back of the books - please mark these with your child and have a second look at anything they found tricky the first time.

Your child has been given the spellings for this term (they are also available at the bottom of this page).  There are 15 words to learn per week with a test on 10 of these each Friday.  10 of the words will follow the spelling rule learnt in school that week and 5 are from the statutory government list of words for Year 5 & 6.

Reading: Please support your child to read for 20 minutes per day, at least 5 times per week.  Tips for supporting your child with their reading are detailed above.  Please remind your child to record their reading in their reading diary and to bring this into school daily so we can also record in it when we read with your child in school.  Please initial next to each entry your child makes at home.  We will collect reading diaries in on Fridays and celebrate the children who have read 5 times that week.

Maths: Please complete the 4 activities set on Mathletics each week as well as 30 minutes of Times Table Rock Stars.  This has more impact in short 5-minute bursts over the week, rather than one 30-minute session.

Key information:

PE days: Mondays and Fridays - if your child has studded boots, then please send them in for Mondays as well as trainers

Wellies: Need to be in school all the time

Drinks: Water bottles should be brought into school and taken home daily.  Water only please.

Jewellery: Only stud earrings and a watch to be worn in school.  Earrings to be removed or taped up for PE.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and see me or email me.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Sarah Woodcock

Term 2 Information 

Term 2 Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back after the half-term break.  I hope you and your children had a chance to spend some quality time together and recharge everyone's batteries ready for another busy term.

What we will be learning this term: Please see the medium-term plan for this term at the bottom of the page, which contains information about all the subjects and what the children will be taught this term.

Class text: Our class text this term is ‘The man who walked between the towers' by Mordecai Gerstein. This is a beautiful picture book based on the true story of Philippe Petit, who walked on a tightrope between The Twin Towers in New York in 1974.  We will be using the book, along with documentary footage, to write a setting description and a biography of Philippe Petit.

PE: PE will be on Mondays and Fridays this term.  On Mondays, we will be doing a shorter circuits session with a focus on fitness.  In the longer session on Fridays, we will be doing gymnastics and dodgeball.

On Mondays and Fridays, please make sure your child comes to school wearing appropriate clothing. Obviously, the weather is still very changeable, so please make sure they are dressed appropriately as PE is often outside, whatever the weather! A reminder of clothing expectations: plain black shorts/leggings/joggers; a plain white t-shirt or blue t-shirt with or without the school logo; a black plain sweat top or school sweat top or school fleece; daps or trainers (trainers are preferable as most PE activities will be outdoors).

Home learning and spelling: Home learning is set to allow children to revisit learning from school to help embed it.  Children need several opportunities to practise their learning to allow them to build confidence and recall it better at a later date.  Please do support your child in completing all the tasks set each week.

Spelling & Grammar: Please complete the set tasks each week in the CPG books - pages set are detailed at the bottom of this page.  The answers are at the back of the books - please mark these with your child and have a second look at anything they found tricky the first time.

Your child has been given the spellings for this term (they are also available at the bottom of this page).  There are 15 words to learn per week with a test on 10 of these each Friday.  10 of the words will follow the spelling rule learnt in school that week and 5 are from the statutory government list of words for Year 5 & 6.

Reading: Please support your child to read for 20 minutes per day, at least 5 times per week.  Tips for supporting your child with their reading are detailed above.  Please remind your child to record their reading in their reading diary and to bring this into school daily so we can also record in it when we read with your child in school.  Please initial next to each entry your child makes at home.  We will collect reading diaries in on Fridays and celebrate the children who have read 5 times that week.

Maths: Please complete the 4 activities set on Mathletics each week as well as 30 minutes of Times Table Rock Stars.  This has more impact in short 5-minute bursts over the week, rather than one 30-minute session.

Key information:

PE days: Mondays and Fridays

Wellies: Need to be in school all the time

Drinks: Water bottles should be brought into school and taken home daily.  Water only please.

Jewellery: Only stud earrings and a watch to be worn into school.  Earrings to be removed or taped up for PE.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and see me or send me an email.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Sarah Woodcock